Gustav Metzger / In Memoriam / Kunsthalle Basel

“In Memoriam” is Gustav Metzgers newest work, specially conceived for the exhibition at the Kunsthalle Basel. The installation continues the subject of the Jewish refugee history as drawn up in “Eichmann and the Angel” and draws a thematic line to the situation of today’s refugees worldwide. The sculptural installation, a maze of human-scale cardboard cuboids standing perpendicularly, seemingly placed at random, can be walked in at first, until the cuboids subtly densify and block ones passage. Since the early 1960ies, Gustav Metzger has been an outstanding personality in British public life. Not only as an artist but also as a political activist has significant influence on the British as well as the international art scene. A walk through the installation on the occasion of the opening on January 21, 2006.
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