Rhizome.org is a new media organization that’s celebrating its 10th anniversary this year of supporting artists marking new media art and discussion about new media art. Marisa Olson of Rhizome.org talks about Rhizome.org and All Systems Go!, an exhibition curated by her at Scope Art Fair, New York. All Systems Go! features high-tech, low-tech, and hybrid work ranging from drawing to custom electronics, artists include [dNASAb], Brody Condon, Desiree Holman, Shane Hope, Instant Coffee, Xylor Jane, Abe Linkoln, MTAA, RSG, Shirley Shor, Julianne Swartz, Jon-Paul Villegas and Lee Walton. Rhizome.org is a new media art organization, and an affiliate of the New Museum of Contemporary Art. Rhizome’s mission is to connect art and technology. Scope Art Fair, New York, March 12, 2006.
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Posted in: art, interview, New York, Scope, VernissageTV