Galerie Friedrich presents “The Chocolate Bar” (film and film stills) by Bethan Huws. “The Chocolate Bar” is a short film (4:25 mins) with three personas, three locations and a host of camera angles, starring Welsh actor Rhys Ifans (with a short appearance of Marcel Duchamp’s “Bottle-Rack”). Bethan Huws was born in Bangor, Wales. She lives and works in Paris, France. Galerie Friedrich is run by Erika and Otto Friedrich who founded the gallery in 1978. “The Chocolate Bar” runs till Mai 20, 2006. Huws also takes part in the exhibition “Mental Image” (April 8 – Mai 14, 2006) at the Kunstmuseum St. Gallen. Galerie Friedrich will participate in Art 37 Basel art fair, Hall 2.1, Booth W3. Galerie Friedrich, Basel, private view, April 8, 2006.
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