Muntean/Rosenblum / Arndt & Partner Zurich

With a solo exhibition in Zurich Arndt & Partner continue their cooperation with the artist couple Muntean/Rosenblum that commenced at Arndt & Partner Berlin in 2004. “The works of Muntean/Rosenblum stage teenagers, who have learned to embody the stereotypical idea of beauty and of society imposed on them by mass media.” (PR Arndt & Partner). The Austrian Markus Muntean and the Israeli Adi Rosenblum live and work in London and Vienna. The artists had numerous solo shows in renown institutions, e.g. at the Tate Britain, London (“It Is Never Facts That Tell”, 2004). This autumn they will have solo exhibition at the MUSAC and next year a show at the Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst in Leipzig. Arndt & Partner Zurich, opening, April 20, 2006.
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