Berlin – Zurich and Tjorg Douglas Beer at Arndt & Partner Zurich

In collaboration with a number of Berlin galleries Arndt & Partner Zurich presents the exhibition Berlin – Zurich, featuring seven upcoming artists: Björn Dahlem, Jeroen Jacobs, Katharina Jahnke, Michael Kalki, Marcus Knupp, Anselm Reyle, and Regine Müller-Waldeck. In gallery 2 Arndt & Partner presents Tjorg Douglas Beer. For his exhibition at Arndt & Partner Zürich, the artist has created an installation called “himmelfahrtskommando” (ascension commando), which extends over several rooms in the gallery and protrudes into the outside area. Arndt & Partner Zurich, opening, August 26, 2006.
> Right-click (Mac: ctrl-click) this link to download video file.


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