Interview with Paul Sakoilsky at Scope Art Fair London

At Scope London 2006 we met the artist Paul Sakoilsky. Paul Sakoilsky was born in 1964. He works in numerous forms and media. His work is rooted in performance and actionism. One of the most well known performances / installations, which he has developed and performed since 1995 is based on a text by Konrad Bayer, “Idiot”. Our video shows excerpts from the video of the performance “Cry”, which he performed at Plattform – Raum für Kunst in Vienna in 2005. More information on Paul Sakoilosky on his blog and his website. At Scope London he was represented by the London based gallery Carter Presents. Scope Art Fair London, October 15, 2006.

> Right-click (Mac: ctrl-click) this link to download video file.


Posted in: art, interview, London, Scope, VernissageTV