Last weekend, Kunsthalle Basel opened no less than three exhibitions: the group show “Word Event”, an exhibition which “points to a possible return of a fluxus sensibility via a new, contemporary, proverbial linguistic turn”. Among the participating artists are George Brecht, James Lee Byars, Will Holder, and others. A series of performances took place on the opening night, we documented those of André Avelãs and Michael Portnoy (videos coming soon). In the second exhibition entitled “On parity of days”, the Dutch artist Guido van der Werve presents films produced between 2003 and 2007. The films “take up such themes as melancholy, the romanticized figure of the creative artist, and the uncontrollable quantity of chance and link them to the rational thought processes of classical music.” The third exhibition is the first solo show in Switzerland with works by Peruvian-born artist Armando Andrade Tudela. The title of the exhibition “Gamblers Die Broke” is borrowed from “The Asphalt Jungle”, a film noir by John Huston. On display are works from 2007 and 2008, including films, photograms, sculptures and drawings. Opening, June 28, 2008.
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