The Russian artist group AES+F was one of the artists representing Russia at the 52nd Venice Biennale in 2007 with the video installation “Last Riot”. As early as 2005, Ruzicska Gallery in Salzburg, Austria, realized a solo show with AES+F. Now, Ruzicska presents the whole cycle of works “Last Riot 2” in the spaces of the Max Gandolph Bibliothek in Salzburg: the video, 25 Collages, three Sculptures and 11 sketches on paper. There is also a monumental sculpture on display in front of Ruzicska’s gallery in Faistauergasse (see upcoming video of the opening of the exhibition “Fiat Lux” at the gallery). AES+F are Tatiana Arzamasova, Lev Evzovitch, Evgeny Svyatsky, and Vladimir Fridkes. Impressions from the opening, July 25, 2008.
> Right-click (Mac: ctrl-click) this link to download Quicktime video file.