Interview with Simon Ingram / Minus Space exhibition at P.S.1, New York

P.S.1 Contemporary Art Center has invited Minus Space, a Brooklyn based platform for reductive art, to present an exhibition of reductive art: art characterized by minimalism and abstraction in its use of monochromatic color, geometry, and pattern. For P.S.1, Minus Space has brought together 54 artists. One of them is Simon Ingram. We spoke with Simon Ingram in the Basement Boiler Room of the P.S.1 building, where the exhibition is located.
In this video, Simon Ingram explains his machine made of Lego and generic constructional materials that paints autonomously in oil paint with a brush.
Simon Ingram is artist and Senior Lecturer at the ELAM SChool of Fine Arts at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. He has exhibited locally and internationally for over ten years.
Video footage of Simon Ingram’s self-making paintings is available at his channel at YouTube.
P.S.1 Contemporary Art Center, Opening Fall Celebration. New York, October 19, 2008. The Minus Space exhibition is on view through January 26, 2009.
PS: In an interview with P.S.1 Curatorial Advisor Phong Bui in the 2008 fall issue of the P.S.1 Newspaper, Minus Space founders Matthew Deleget and Rossana Martinez talk about artists as historians and how the Internet has enabled the diffusion of reductive art.

> Right-click (Mac: ctrl-click) this link to download Quicktime video file.


Posted in: art, interview, New York, VernissageTV