From September 5 until October 25, 2009, the third edition of Fotofestival takes place in the German cities Mannheim, Ludwigshafen and Heidelberg. This year’s Fotofestival bears the titel “Images Recalled (Bilder auf Abruf)”.
“The theme of the festival is how we become visually literate, whose disclosure we have art photography to thank. While the key theme concerns itself with the theoretical question of how photographers view the orders of images, other individual exhibitions are dedicated to related thematic fields that pose our question with particular emphasis: body and youth, war and landscape image, archive and absence.” (Excerpt from the press release).
On display at Fotofestival Mannheim Ludwigshafen Heidelberg are works by artists such as AES+F, Cao Fei, Thomas Hirschhorn, Peter Piller, Bettina Pousttchi, Sean Snyder, and VVORK. The festival has been curated by Esther Ruelfs, an art historian who specializes in photography, and Tobias Berger, an expert in Asian Pacific art.
3rd Fotofestival Mannheim Ludwigshafen Heidelberg: Images Recalled. Opening, September 4, 2009. Video by Gürsoy Dogtas.
> Right-click (Mac: ctrl-click) this link to download Quicktime video file.