XL Gallery at ARCO Madrid 2011 / Interview with Sergei Khripun

Apart from the general program, ARCO Madrid 2011 presented special sectors again, such as “Focus Russia”, a section hosting eight Russian galleries: XL Gallery; M & J. Guelman Gallery; Aidan; Anna Nova; Marina Gisich; GMG; Paperworks and ARKA. The selection was made by Daria Pyrkina, curator at the National Centre for Contemporary Arts in Moscow and professor at Moscow State Lomonosov University.

VernissageTV had a closer look at one of the Russian galleries, XL Gallery from Moscow. We met with the assistant director, Sergei Khripun. In this video interview, Sergei Khripun talks about the history and program of the gallery, the focus on Russian artists, the importance of art fairs for the gallery, the collectors, the situation of contemporary art in Russia and ARCO Madrid. At ARCO, XL Gallery presented works by Chernyshev & Shulgin, Anna Jermolaewa, Oleg Kulik, Igor Makarevich, Sergei Shekhovtsov, Igor Moukhin, and Bluesoup Group.

The above video is an excerpt. The complete interview (22 min.) is available below.

XL Gallery at ARCO Madrid 2011 / Interview with Sergei Khripun. Madrid / Spain, February 16, 2011.

> Right-click (Mac: ctrl-click) this link to download Quicktime video file.

PS: Click here for more ARCO videos.

Complete interview:


Posted in: ARCO, art, interview, Madrid, VernissageTV