Galerie Andy Jllien and Galerie Römerapotheke, both located in Rämistrasse 18 in Zürich, Switzerland, currently present works by David Hare. David Hare (1917 – 1992) was an American painter, sculptor and photographer, associated with the Surrealist movement. After his surrealist experiments in photography, he focused on Surrealist sculpture. He was co-founder and editor of the Surrealist journal VVV, with André Breton, Max Ernst, and Marcel Duchamp. In 1948 David Hare became a founding memeber of the Subjects of the Artist School in New York, together with Mark Rothko, William Baziotes and Robert Motherwell. David Hare also belonged to the early generation of New York Abstract Expressionist artists. The exhibition at Galerie Römerapotheke presents drawings, paintings and a sculpture by David Hare.
David Hare, Galerie Römerapotheke, Zürich / Switzerland. Opening, May 5, 2011.
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From the press release (in German language):
Ab Donnerstag, 5. Mai präsentieren Andy Jllien Fine Art und Galerie Römerapotheke eine spektakuläre Ausstellung mit Werken, vornehmlich Zeichnungen (die in der Schweiz noch nie zu sehen waren) des 1992 verstorbenen Künstlers DAVID HARE. Der lange Zeit als Aussenseiter geltende Künstler kannte zu seinen Lebzeiten reihenweise Künstler, verkehrte und war u.a. eng befreundet mit André Breton, Duchamp, Pollock, Calder, Tanguy, Rothko usw. Jean-Paul Sartre war von seiner Arbeit begeistert und hat ihn ausführlich beschrieben. Hare jedoch, der sich stets jeglichen Zeitströmungen und Klassifizierungen verweigerte und sich Elementen des Surrealismus, griechischer Mythologie, Expressionismus und Schamanismus bediente, ohne sich je festzulegen, fand seine eigene Sprache, seine eigenen Wege. Dass diese Wege gerade heute hochaktuell sind, zeigen einige aktuelle Ausstellungen 2011: MOMA New York hat in der Ausstellung “žAbstract Expressionism” Hare’s Skulptur “žMagician’s Game” integriert, das Museum of Fine Arts Boston eröffnete einen Flügel für amerikanische Kunst und zeigt die Skulptur “žFat Young Lady”, das Noguchi Museum in New York zeigt die Arbeit “žWaterfall” im Rahmen der Ausstellung “žIsamu Noguchi and his Contemporaries 1922 – 1960”, die Michael Rosenfeld Gallery New York zeigt eine grosse “žAbstract Expressionism”-Show, vor wenigen Wochen wurde dem Whitney Museum eine grosse Skulptur geschenkt und für den Herbst 2011 ist in den USA eine grosse Retrospektive zu David Hare geplant.
English text:
David Hare was born on March 10, 1917, in New York. From 1936 to 1937 he studied biology and chemistry at Bard College in Annandale-on-Hudson, New York. In the late 1930s he began to experiment with color photography, which the Walker Galleries in New York exhibited in 1939. Hare opened a commercial photography studio in New York in 1940, and in the same year the Julien Levy Gallery, New York, gave him a solo exhibition. During the early 1940s Hare came into contact with a number of the surrealist emigrés in New York, and in 1942 he started to make sculpture. From 1942 to 1944 Hare founded and edited the surrealist magazine VVV with André Breton, Marcel Duchamp, and Max Ernst. Peggy Guggenheim presented solo shows of Hare’s work in her Art of This Century gallery from 1944 to 1947. In 1948 he was a founding member, together with William Baziotes, Robert Motherwell, and Mark Rothko, of The Subjects of the Artist school in New York and he became friendly with Jean-Paul Sartre. This same year he moved to Paris, where he met Balthus, Victor Brauner, Alberto Giacometti, and Pablo Picasso. He returned to New York in 1953 but spent the next two summers in Paris.
Hare was included in the São Paulo Bienal of 1951 and 1957, and in 1958 he received a sculpture commission for the Uris building at 750 Third Avenue, New York. Hare began to concentrate on painting in the 1960s. From the mid-1960s into the 1970s Hare held teaching positions at the Philadelphia College of Art, the University of Oregon, Eugene, and the Tamarind Institute at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque. He was included in the Dada, Surrealism, and Their Heritage exhibition of 1968 at the Museum of Modern Art, New York. The following year he received an honorary doctorate from the Maryland Institute of Art, Baltimore. In the late 1960s the artist began his Cronus series of drawings, collages, paintings, and sculpture, which was the subject of a solo exhibition at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in 1977. In the same year he was included in Dada and Surrealism Revisited at the Hayward Gallery, London, and in 1978 he showed in American Painting of the 1970s at the Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo. Hare died on December 21, 1992, in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.