Paweł Althamer: Almech at Deutsche Guggenheim Berlin / Finissage

Pawel Althamer’s exhibition “Almech” at Deutsche Guggenheim in Berlin, Germany, was a work in progress. During the exhibition, Althamer and his team produced sculptures with the faces of visitors of the exhibition and staff members of the museum. On the last day of the show, all finished sculptures were on display. This video was shot at the Finissage of the exhibition and shows the sculptures and some of the visitors that were portrayed.

For more information about the show, a photo gallery, and a video including shots from the opening and an interview with the curator of the exhibition, Nat Trotman, click here!

Paweł Althamer: Almech at Deutsche Guggenheim Berlin. Finissage, January 14, 2012. Video by Astrid Gleichmann.

> Right-click (Mac: ctrl-click) this link to download Quicktime video file.


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