Steve Bishop at Rod Barton Gallery, London / NADA Cologne 2012

For its presentation at the art fair NADA Cologne 2012, the gallery Rod Barton from London brought works by the artists Gabriele Beveridge, Steve Bishop, Bryan Dooley, Roman Licka, and Max Ruf. A work that one can not only see but smell is a floor piece by Steve Bishop, that got a lot of attention from the fair’s visitors. Art historian Dr. Bettina Krogemann spoke with Tobias Czudej (Director, Rod Barton Gallery) about the work and the artist.

Steve Bishop at Rod Barton Gallery, London. Art Cologne 2012 + NADA Cologne. Cologne / Germany, April 17, 2012.

> Right-click (Mac: ctrl-click) this link to download Quicktime video file.


Posted in: art, Art Cologne, Cologne, interview, VernissageTV