Sensing Place. Mediatizing the Urban Landscape at House of Electronic Arts Basel

The exhibition Sensing Place at House of Electronic Arts in Basel (Switzerland) engages with urban developments, new digital infrastructure and municipal space concepts. The exhibition seeks to address this reconfiguration of the public space by means of an increasing overlap of the digital spheres of information and geographical reality. Several location-dependent areas will provide the possibility for the visitors to explore not only the exhibited works but also the Dreispitzareal and old town of Basel in a sensory experience – from Urban Games to visualizations of data, Smartphone-Apps or sensory Sound interventions. In this video, the curator of the exhibition, Sabine Himmelsbach (Director, House of Electronic Arts Basel) talks about the concept of the exhibition and the artworks on display. The participating artists are Timo Arnall, Jí¸rn Knutsen and Einar Sneve Martinussen (N), Ursula Damm (D), fabric|ch (CH), Ulrich Fischer (CH), Luca Forcucci (CH, Konzert/Performance), Yolande Harris (GB/NL), Christina Kubisch (D), Francisco Meirino (CH, Konzert/Performance), Christian Nold (GB), Gordan Savičić (SRB/D) , SENSEable City Lab (Carlo Ratti, Assaf Biderman, Dietmar Offenhuber, Eugenio Morello, Musstanser Tinauli, Kristian Kloeckl vom MIT Media Lab) (USA), Mark Shepard (USA), and Corinne Studer (CH).

> Right-click (Mac: ctrl-click) this link to download Quicktime video file.


Posted in: art, Basel, interview, VernissageTV