Within the framework of Art Basel’s Art Unlimited sector, the gallery Cabinet from London presented the work Enough Tiranny by artist Marc Camille Chaimowicz.
During the 1960s, Marc Camille Chaimowicz was one of the first artists in the UK who merged performance and installation art. In the early 1970s he commented on the predominant minimalism with artworks that were playful and seductive. Chaimowicz’s installations have often included his photographs and his prototypes for fabrics, ceramics and wallpapers, found objects, and works by other artists. With Enough Tiranny, Chaimowicz tried to create a work that questions the alienation between viewer, artist, and institution.
Marc Camille Chaimowicz was born in 1947 in Paris, France. He lives and works in London.
Art Unlimited 2013 is curated by Gianni Jetzer. Unlimited is Art Basel’s exhibition platform for large-scale installations, sculptures, paintings, video projections and live performances. A video walkthrough of Unlimited is available here.
Marc Camille Chaimowicz: Enough Tiranny / Art Basel 2013, Art Unlimited. Basel (Switzerland), June 16, 2013.
> Right-click (Mac: ctrl-click) this link to download Quicktime video file.
‘The work establishes that intangibility of time and space, tangential to ‘real’ experience and closer to memory and phantasy, that was to become characteristic of future work. It establishes, moreover, the question of what constitutes the personal and the public in the creative life of the artist. Chaimowicz delineated those territories in the total space which were to serve private and public functions. His presence in the space was continuous but not in the conventional role of the per former in relation to an audience: his rather undefined multiple role of ‘housewife,’ ‘host,’ ‘guide,’ and ‘creator’ was an attempt to avoid fixed relations and to explore the possibility of an alternative identity for art. Perhaps it is the iridescent light from the mirrored globe, refracted, disembodied, and fragmented in the space, that stands as a metaphor for the presence or role of the artist here: contained in the space he has created but restless and transient, as yet without a certain or coherent identity, not quite in control of his creation.’
(Jean Fisher, Past Imperfect, 1983)