Socrates Sculpture Park, New York: EAF13, 2013 Emerging Artist Fellowship

Socrates Sculpture Park is a unique outdoor museum and public park in Long Island City, New York, where artists can create and show large-scale sculpture and multi-media installations. It was created in 1986 by the artist Mark di Suvero on an abandoned landfill and illegal dumpsite. The current show the EF13: 2013 Emerging Artist Fellowship Exhibition, features the collective works of the Socrates Sculpture Park’s 2013 Emerging Artist Fellows: Thordis Adalsteinsdottir, Diann Bauer, Michael DeLucia, Tamara Johnson, Anthony Heinz May, David McQueen, Kenneth Pietrobono, Aida Å ehović, Sandy Smith, Edouard Steinhauer, Chris Boyd Taylor, Justin Randolph Thompson, Hong-An Truong, Gustabo Velazquez, and Myung Gyun You.

The 15 new commissions on view respond specifically to the park’s unique waterfront, urban environment. “Local and global subjects are presented along side one and other, with topics such as the history, ecology, and panorama of the park confronting broader topics of international politics, militarization, and culture. Rather than being a zeitgeist or thematic exhibition, each artist has a distinct artwork (and in some cases performance) that embodies his or her innovative exploration of sculpture in the public sphere.” The exhibition is on view until March 31, 2014.

Socrates Sculpture Park: EAF13, 2013 Emerging Artist Fellowship. Opening, September 8, 2013. Video by Shimon Azulay.

> Right-click (Mac: ctrl-click) this link to download Quicktime video file.


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