Our coverage of Leandro Erlich’s Swimming Pool installation at P.S.1 Contemporary Art Center in New York is one of our most popular videos across all distribution channels. That’s why we thought it’s time to give it our r3 treatment. As most of the videos in this series, the footage was filmed in HD, but – due to restrictions regarding bandwidth, budget, and performance of the hardware in those days, it was edited and published in SD. So here it is, Leandro Erlich’s Swimming Pool in HD.
Leandro Erlich was born in 1973 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He is internationally known for his spectacular immersive installations that create with optical illusions. Click here for an interview with Leandro Erlich on the occasion of the opening of his Dalston House installation in London in 2013.
This is another segment in our series r3 that highlights the treasures of VernissageTV’s huge archive. R3 is a series of VernissageTV classics, now re-mastered, re-edited and reissued in High Definition. Click here for the complete list of videos. Click here for the original post.
> Right-click (Mac: ctrl-click) this link to download Quicktime video file.