Photographer Kurt Wyss Talks About His Work With Jean Dubuffet

From 1970 to 1985, the Basel-based reporter and photographer Kurt Wyss documented the work and life of French artist Jean Dubuffet, whose work has been shown recently in a large retrospective at Fondation Beyeler. In this video, we meet with Kurt Wyss in his studio in Basel, where he shows us some of his photographs and talks about his work and adventures with Jean Dubuffet, a man who he characterizes as “Monstre Sacré”. (Interview in German language, subtitles in German and English available).

Interview with photographer Kurt Wyss, Basel (Switzerland), January 29, 2016. Interview: Mirjam Baitsch.

> Right-click (Mac: ctrl-click) this link to download Quicktime video file.

Complete video (22:34 min.):


Posted in: art, Basel, interview, premium, VernissageTV