The German photographer Timm Rautert (*1941) had been professor of photography at the “Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst, Leipzig” from 1993 until 2007. As a premiere in his career several shows are organized at different places with works of all his master class students. The first show “Wir sind nicht hier um uns nett zu finden” was organized by Gallery Löhrl / Mönchengladbach, where 18 students are represented. In the interview Dietmar Löhrl, who runs the gallery with his wife Christa and his son Cristian Löhrl, talks about the concept of the shows and the upcoming catalogue. The works are on display from April 5 until May 10, 2008. The next stops of the exhibition will be soon announced. By vtv correspondent Thom de Bock. Opening reception, April 5, 2008.
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