“French society, and especially Parisian, is gluttonous,” Claude Lévi-Strauss has famously said, “Every five years or so, it needs to stuff something new in its mouth.”
The same goes for the contemporary artworld: It is about new things to satisfy age-old desires. Is gluttony in art consumption contagious? The panel discussion at the art fair Independent in New York seeks to answer provocative questions on the pleasures and sins associated with art and food, as well as on the artworld’s gluttonous appetite for novelty.
This is an excerpt of the discussion at Independent New York, presented by Kreemart Salon, on March 6, 2010. Moderated by Jovana Stokic, art historian. Introduction by Elizabeth Dee, gallery owner and co founder of Independent. Participants: Raphael Castoriano, art advisor; Will Cotton, artist; Anthony Haden Guest, journalist and writer; Rachel Lehmann, gallery owner; Jennifer Rubell, food artist; Linda Yablonsky, journalist and writer. Scroll down for the complete conversation.
On Gluttony. Panel discussion at Independent, New York, March 6, 2010.
PPS: Coming soon: Interview with Jennifer Rubell.
> Right-click (Mac: ctrl-click) this link to download Quicktime video file.
Full-length video (53:02 min.):