With the group show “MA Fine Arts Degree Show 2010” the Zürcher Hochschule der Künste (ZHdK) (Zurich University of the Arts) presents for the first time the degree work of the newly established Master of Arts in Fine Arts (MFA) course of studies. The exhibition that runs until June 18, 2010, takes place at Shedhalle in Zürich / Switzerland and contains works and projects by 20 international graduates: Mirko Baselgia, Christina Benz, Nicole Biermaier, Isabela BranÄ, Quynh Dong, Ruth Erdt, Svetlana Hansemann, Martin Keller, Lucie Kolb, Petra Köhle & Nicolas Vermot-Petit-Outhenin, Susana Perrottet, Monya Pletsch, Romy Rüegger, Renée Schauecker, Julia Sheppard, Ruth Stofer, Emanuel Strässle, Riikka Tauriainen, Navid Tschopp.
MFA 2010 Master of Fine Arts Show, Shedhalle, Zürich / Switzerland. Opening reception and interviews, June 2, 2010.
> Right-click (Mac: ctrl-click) this link to download Quicktime video file.