Deitch Art Parade New York 2007 / Remaster/Remix

One of the many highlights of the 5 year long adventure called VernissageTV, was attending the Deitch Art Parade in New York today three years ago, on the 8th September 2007. In addition, the video is one of the all time favorites of the VernissageTV’s viewers. That’s why we thought it would be a good idea to make them and ourselves a gift and remaster, reedit and republish the footage in HD. This is the result. Enjoy!

Deitch Art Parade 2007, New York, September 8, 2007. Remaster-Remix.

PS: Video in full length below!

PPS: Yes, this is a piece of nostalgia, but maybe some day we see an Art Parade in LA?

Update: Because this video is so successful, we decided to introduce a new series with VernissageTV Classics!

> Right-click (Mac: ctrl-click) this link to download Quicktime video file.

Full-length video (27:08 min.):


Posted in: art, New York, no comment, premium, remix, VernissageTV, VTV Classics (r3)