Thierry Girard / Solo Exhibition at Fondation Fernet-Branca, Saint-Louis

In this video, we attend the opening reception of French photographer Thierry Girard’s solo exhibition at Fondation Fernet-Branca in Saint-Louis (France) near Basel (Switzerland). Thierry Girard was born in 1951 in Nantes. In his work he deals with the topics of the itinerary and the route, pursuing a reflection on the artistic representation of urban and suburban landscapes.

Thierry Girard: Par les forets les villes et les villages le long des voies et des chemins / Solo Exhibition at Fondation Fernet-Branca, Saint-Louis. Vernissage, October 30, 2021.

> Right-click (Mac: ctrl-click) this link to download Quicktime video file.


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