Beyond the Screen / Gallery DAM Berlin

Beyond the Screen, the current exhibition at Gallery [DAM] Berlin, offers an insight into the world of “fabbing” – digital fabrication. Fabbing allows for the production of structures and surfaces exceeding the limits of digital mass production. By using specific software to control these tools, artists and designers are able to realize unimaginable complex objects. Beyond the Screen shows artwork based on this new technology by Commonwealth (US), Leander Herzog (CH), Jared Tarbell (US), Theverymany (US), Marius Watz (NO) and participatns of the Generator.x 2.0 workshop in cooperation with club transmediale and Marius Watz. Impressions from the opening reception, February 2, 2008. By VTV correspondent Lizza May David.

> Right-click (Mac: ctrl-click) this link to download Quicktime video file.


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