Manifesta 7. The Soul. Trento, Italy / Part 1/2

The Soul (or, Much Trouble in the Transportation of Souls) is the title of the Manifesta 7 exhibition in Trento, Italy. The exhibition is curated by Anselm Franke and Hila Peleg, and is composed of contributions by 49 contemporary artists who are mainly working in Europe. In this episode we have a look at the works contributed by Luigi Ontani, Bernd Ribbeck, Pietro Roccasalva, Omer Fast, Klaus Weber, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, Ria Pacquée, and Marcus Coates. Manifesta 7, European Biennial of Contemporary Art. Palazzo delle Poste, Trento / Italy. July 27, 2008. Part 1/2.
PS: Manifesta 7 at, Flickr, Frieze Magazine, Jungle World (in German), Artnet (in German) and Click Opera.

> Right-click (Mac: ctrl-click) this link to download Quicktime video file.


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