Interview with the Brazilian artist Cildo Meireles on the occasion of his solo exhibition at HangarBicocca in Milan, Italy. The show is titled Installations, and is curated by Vicente Todolí. It features 12 of Cildo Meireles’ most important installations, spanning the artist’s whole career – from the tiny Cruzeiro do Sul to the huge labyrinth like Através. This video provides you with an exhibition walk-through, including an interview with Cildo Meireles. The artist talks about the concept of the show, explains how he works and where he gets his ideas, and speaks about his plans for the future. The video above is an excerpt, the full-length version is available further below.
The exhibition Cildo Meireles: Installations runs until July 20, 2014. The works on display are: Cruzeiro do Sul (1969-1970), Através (1983-1989), Babel (2001), Eureka/Blindhotland (with the elements Eureka, Blindhotland, and Expeso) (1991/2013), Olvido (1987-1989), Amerikkka (1991/2013), Cinza (1984-1986), Atlas (2007), Entrevendo (1970/1994), Para Pedro (1984/1993), Abajur (1997/2010), and Marulho (1991/1997).
Cildo Meireles was born in 1948 in Rio de Janeiro. Meireles was one of the first artists to experiment with multi-sensory immersive installations that required the full involvement of the public. The visitor is invited to go through the installations, to see, hear, feel, and smell the works, to interact with the artwork. Cildo Meireles lives and works in Rio de Janeiro.
PS: Cildo Meireles’ installation Missão/Missíµes (Como Construir Catedrais) (1987) is currently on view at Fondation Beyeler as part of the exhibition Daros Latinamerica Collection at Fondation Beyeler.
Cildo Meireles: Installations. HangarBicocca, Milan, Italy / Interview with Cildo Meireles. Press Preview and opening reception, March 26, 2014.
PS: Watch also: Mike Kelley: Eternity is a Long Time / HangarBicocca, Milan.
> Right-click (Mac: ctrl-click) this link to download Quicktime video file.
Full-length video (28:57 min.):