Dane Patterson at Kogan Gallery, Paris

Object Studies at Kogan Gallery in Paris (France) presents new work by the New York-based artist Dane Patterson. His latest series of drawings oscillates between color and black and white. In this video we attend the Vernissage on January 8, 2016. The exhibition runs until February 15, 2016.

Dane Patterson was born in Columbus, Indiana, in 1978. He holds a BFA of The Herron School of Art Indianapolis and an MFA of The School of Visual Arts New York. Solo exhibitions include New Work (The Proposition Gallery, New York, 2009), Again, and Again, and Again (The Proposition Gallery, New York, 2011), and Hypothetical Arrangements (Art Plural Gallery, Singapore, 2014). Prizes include the Award for Excellence in Painting, The Herron School of Art, 2000; the Louis Comfort Tiffany Grant, Nomination, 2009; and the Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts, Member Artist, 2014. The artist currently lives and works in New York, USA.

Dane Patterson: Object Studies at Kogan Gallery, Paris (France). Opening reception, January 8, 2016.

> Right-click (Mac: ctrl-click) this link to download Quicktime video file.

Excerpt from the exhibition text by Margaux Bonopera (in French language):

“Dans cette série, les combinaisons créées par la rencontre des différents éléments dessinés proposent quelque chose de plus sculptural. La feuille de papier devient un espace neutre, tel un whitecube, tandis que la troisième dimension des objects apparaît de manière tout à fait surprenante. L’héritage surréaliste n’est pas négligeable dans le travail de Dane Patterson. C’est un surréalisme un peu tragique qui se dessine, un surréalisme qui tente de nous faire réaliser à quel jeu absurde nous jouons parfois, souvent, tout le temps. Mais en observant les dessins de Dane Patterson, un souffle étrange peut également apparaître, un souffle plus connu sous le nom de rire.”

Photo set on Flickr:
Dane Patterson: Object Studies at Kogan Gallery, Paris


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