Category: VernissageTV

FIAC: Iconomix, Paris
9. October 2005

At the booth of editor Art Process presenting the new magazine ICONomix: Art, Brands and Business Intelligence. FIAC contemporary art …

FIAC: Art-Netart, Paris
9. October 2005

Thomas of Art-Netart presenting the new dvd’art called d-fuse by Matali Crasset and Jori Hulkonnen. October 6, 2005. FIAC contemporary …

FIAC art fair Paris 2005 part 1
8. October 2005

FIAC international art fair, Paris. Impressions from the opening reception, October 5, 2005. Part 2. Click image or this link …

FIAC art fair Paris 2005 part 2
8. October 2005

FIAC international art fair, Paris. Impressions from the opening reception, October 5, 2005. Part 2. Click image or this link …
