Out now: VernissageTV PDF-magazine No. 18, July 2011.
VernissageTV’s PDF Magazin No. 18 has its focus on the two major art events this year, the 54th International Art Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia, and Art 42 Basel. Highlights of No. 18 are a personal look at five days in Venice by Miami-based artist duo Guerra de la Paz, and exclusive video and audio downloads for the readers of this issue. Then there are photo galleries showing Elmgreen & Dragset’s exhibition at Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen’s Submarine Wharf in Rotterdam, and Ai Weiwei’s solo show Art / Architecture at Kunsthaus Bregenz. For design lovers, there’s a report on Matti Suuronen’s Futuro, House of the Future of the 1960s.
Artists in this issue: Ai Weiwei, Matti Suuronen, Elmgreen & Dragset, and Guerra de la Paz.
Click image or this link to download the magazine (20 MB).
Exclusive downloads:
- Mourners Venice (click to download MP4 video file, ZIP archive). Video: Guerra de la Paz, Editing: Heinrich Schmidt.
- Julian Schnabel Venice (click to download MP4 video file, ZIP archive). Video: Guerra de la Paz, Editing: Heinrich Schmidt.
- Interview with Andrea Thal (click to download MP3 audio file, ZIP archive). Interview: Gürsoy Dogtas.
- Interview with Uriel Orlow (click to download MP3 audio file, ZIP archive). Interview: Gürsoy Dogtas.
- Olaf Breuning Bally Love Miami Remix (click to download MP4 video file, ZIP archive).