Out now: VernissageTV Magazine No. 49, December 2021: It’s tea NFT time! This is a special edition issue, featuring the latest work of French art collective “Les Innombrables”. The piece is titled “Power 100”, referring to the list of the most influential people in the contemporary art world according to the international art magazine ArtReview. What’s special about this year’s ranking is that a non-human entity is at number 1 of the list: ERC-721, the specification for the ‘nonfungible token’ on the Ethereum blockchain.
Reason enough for Les Innombrables to wonder, how ERC-721 might look like. They got help from an artificial intelligence called “Dream by Wombo” and started to portray each and every one of the 100 listed. But see for yourself, they are all depicted in the 49th edition of our magazine.
Click image or this link to download the magazine (30 MB).
All issues are available in our Magazine section.
By the way: On December 26, 1982 Time Magazine’s Person of the Year was for the first time awarded to a non-human: the personal computer.